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     AAMVA’s telecommunication network that enables government agencies and private sector businesses to share information and data securely.   

Approved NMVTIS Data Providers   

     Approved NMVTIS Data Providers are companies that agree to provide vehicle history reports that contain NMVTIS information to the public consistent with federal legal requirements. This agreement is established through an application process and formal contracts with the system operator. All Approved NMVTIS Data Providers are listed on AAMVA and DOJ NMVTIS websites.     


     A brand is a designation placed on a vehicle ownership document, including its electronic record, which identifies or describes an event that affects the value or safety of the vehicle, such as Junk, Salvage, or Flood. State brands and/or vehicle statuses are mapped to NMVTIS brands for consistency within the system.     

Cloned Vehicle   

     A vehicle is cloned when a legitimate VIN plate is replicated and placed on a stolen vehicle, making that vehicle appear to have a valid VIN.     

Consumer Access Program Transactions   

     A Consumer Access Program transaction consists of a consumer inquiry followed by purchase of the located NMVTIS record.     

Data Consolidators   

     AAMVA partners with the private sector to provide multiple reporting methods to meet the business needs of JSI reporting entities. Currently, four reporting methods or services are available, and offer single-VIN and batch reporting options:   

•     AAMVA Single VIN Reporting Service   

•     Audatex   

•     Auto Data Direct, Inc. (ADD)   

•     ISO ClaimSearch Solutions (ISO)   

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)   

     Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the most used term to describe the state agencies that administer vehicle registration; however, some jurisdictions use other names (e.g., Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Motor Vehicle Commission).     

Junk, Salvage, and Insurance (JSI) Reporting   

     The list of industries specifically identified in the regulatory definitions of “junkyard” and “salvage yard” is not exhaustive. If an entity satisfies the definition of a junkyard or salvage yard (i.e., an individual or entity engaged in the business of acquiring or owning junk automobiles or salvage automobiles for resale in their entirety or as spare parts; or rebuilding, restoration, or crushing) and the entity handles five or more junk automobiles or salvage automobiles per year, then the entity has a NMVTIS reporting obligation.   

     JSI entities are only required to report on automobiles deemed junk or salvage but may also report on other types of vehicles included in NMVTIS if they are deemed junk or salvage.   

     Entities may report the required data elements to the state in which they are located; the state then provides the required information to NMVTIS. Through FY2022, Georgia and Tennessee are the only states to report on behalf of their JSI entities. A reference to a JSI record may reflect multiple reports on the same VIN.     

Odometer Reading   

     The odometer reading is reported to NMVTIS at the time a state titles a vehicle.     

RESTful Solution   

     NMVTIS RESTful State Web Services application simplifies real-time system-to-system communication between states, NMVTIS, and NMVTIS stakeholders. The NMVTIS RESTful solution allows states to modernize their titling systems and does not require a specific application language or operating system to integrate with NMVTIS.     

State Participation   

     “Participating” refers to states that provide data and inquire into NMVTIS before issuing new titles. Fifty states Participated during FY2022. “In Development” refers to states working with AAMVA toward implementation. One state was In Development and had not yet loaded data into the system in FY2022, as detailed in the State Program section.     

Superseded Title   

     A title that is no longer valid because a newer one has been issued. 

Date Created: March 24, 2025