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NMVTIS Annual Reports and Financial Audits

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Annual Performance and Financial Reporting 

NMVTIS regulations require the system operator, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to prepare and publish an annual report detailing system operation, and the collection and spending of fees and other funds to operate NMVTIS. This report must also include a status report on system implementation, compliance reporting, and detailed financial information to determine budgeting and performance. The regulations also require the operator to conduct an annual independent financial audit and to publish the audit reports on this site. The purpose of these reporting requirements is to ensure that NMVTIS is operated with transparency and accountability. 

In FY2023 AAMVA partnered with a third-party consultant to perform a NMVTIS Annual Report Communications Audit. As a result of the Audit all NMVTIS background, overview, benefits, historical and other static items, listed below now have dedicated subtabs. For additional subtab information, click on the links provided:

View the NMVTIS 2023 Annual Report for activities during reporting period October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 and independent financial audit.

Previous NMVTIS Annual Reports and Independent Financial Audits submitted by the NMVTIS System Operator:

Date Created: March 21, 2025